Wednesday, 25 March 2015

5 Kg Decrease in 3 Weeks: The New Protein Diet

Give up anything and 5 Remove kilograms? This works with carbohydrates, which satisfied and make you thin - combined with foods containing protein.

We know: Food on the tried and true low carb method (lots of protein, carbohydrates barely) makes fast slim. But unfortunately it is also often hungry and dissatisfied. This must not be. Scientists have now discovered that protein in the mix makes certain carbohydrates even faster slim! To be precise: 5 kg decrease in 3 weeks!

The decisive factor is that the only carbohydrates that are slowly digested (Slow Carbs) are combined. They are found in the form of dietary fiber, especially in vegetables, salad, fruit, whole grains and legumes. And make with lots of volume to fill easy way to keep blood sugar and insulin in check, act in the brain as an appetite brake and let you lose weight 5 kg.

This is how our diet: In the morning you choose one of our breakfast ideas. For lunch and dinner treat yourself to each one charged with Slow Carb Recipe: For easy 1-2 servings of Slow Carbs with about 120-150 grams of protein combined - so you can remove 5 kg in 3 weeks. You can also read about 3 week diet program to get more know how about how to lose weight efficiently.

Filling foods breakfast

Egg Sandwich 1 slice (30 g) whole meal rye bread spread with 1 tablespoon avocado pulp, cover with 1 hard-boiled egg, season. These 2 tomatoes.
Berries Nut Quark 125 g fat curd cheese with 1 tablespoon bottled water until smooth. 100 g berries mix (TK) admit. 2 tablespoons of oatmeal and 1 tablespoon hazelnut polynuclear leaves fry, over the quark streuen.

Slow Carb Vegetables

Here you are allowed unlimited access (at least 250 grams per meal). For vegetables in fat and calories, contains many nutrients and plenty of fiber. How about z. B.-Star season with Brussels sprouts? The scores with 4 g of fiber per 100 g In Avocado even put all 5 g. - Great as a dip or spread.

Slow Carb whole grains

The first choice for carbohydrate-rich like pasta, rice or bread. Because with the dark variant soak up a lot of slimming products. Whole wheat pasta have about eight times more fiber (10 g per 100 g) than regular pasta. Thereof for each meal plan on about 40 g.

Slow Carb apples and Co.

Fruits such as apple, pear or orange provides about 2-3 grams of fiber per 100g. And also supported with plenty of vitamins and nutrients fat burning. As the sweet fruit but also a lot of natural fruit sugars - no more than two small servings per day schedule.

Slow Carb nuts and seeds

Healthy fat, protein and fiber plants do well in FIG. Therefore, almonds, flaxseed and chia seeds are highly recommended because they are rich in source materials and ensure rapid saturation - a handful a day is optimal.

Protein milk products

With Yogurt and Co. activate particular morning and night your metabolism. For their calcium brings the fat burning going. Low-fat varieties prefer.

Protein meat and fish products

With salmon, chicken breast or beef rump you do not just taste a favor - no, your account protein will thank you! Sick a long time and heats the fat burning an orderly.

Protein eggs

They were long reputed to raise cholesterol levels. Fortunately, only a rumor, because those little things true miracle and so versatile protein can be used. Scrambled, boiled, poached or omelet - access.

Slow Carb legumes

Whether lentils, beans or chickpeas: Plenty of healthy plant protein and peak values ​​of about 9-13 g per 100 g of dietary fiber in the diet make them the stars.

A healthy diet tip

Experts recommend record, 40 g of fiber per day. On average, but we Germans only 18 grams a day. Fill in your slow carb account by every meal eat a serving of vegetables or fruit and engage daily with whole grains or legumes. When packaged the fiber content is often indicated. Here it is worth comparing. So you can play easily lose weight 5 kg.